1. Board of Finance and Planning
The Board of finance and planning is charged with overseeing, directing and advising the Bishop and the Synod on all matters pertaining to finances of the Diocese.
The key duties of the Board of Finance and Planning are;
- Advise the Bishop, Synod and Standing Committee on all matters finance
- To implement decisions in regard to fiscal policy made by the Synod
- To administer Diocesan Accounts
- To arrange for the annual audit and to receive and scrutinize the audited accounts
- To formulate policies for raising funds
- To prepare and present to the Standing Committee a budget of income
- To submit an annual report on the financial state of the Diocese
2. Diocesan Board of Mission and Evangelism
The Board of Mission in the ACK Diocese of Bondo carries the mantle of bringing to fruition the Great Commission (Matt.28:19). The Board of Mission has the following departments:
- Children’s Ministry,
- Kenya Anglican Youth Association (KAYO),
- Mothers ‘Union (MU),
- Kenya Anglican Men’s Association (KAMA),
- Diocesan Missionary Association (DMA)
The core duties of the Board of Mission are;
- To provide guidance on preaching authentic Biblical doctrine
- To arrange an annual DMA week and Sunday of prayer and giving
- To mobilize for resources for mission work
- To support and encourage departments
- To recommend to the DMA projects
- To organize and hold effective evangelism within the framework of departments and to the wider society,
- To organize conferences at diocesan level and in conjunction with other Diocese Regional Conferences
- To encourage collaboration and partnerships between departments, Non-Governmental Agencies and
- government agencies.
- To ensure that all departments have planned activities presented in clear work plans and budgets
- To initiate socioeconomic projects that bring about transformation in the lives of communities
3. Board of Pastoral Care
The Board of Pastoral care exercises general watchfulness over the flock of Christ.
The duties of the Board of Pastoral Care are;
- To ensure the flock of Christ is adequately cared for
- To interview and recommend candidates for training for the ordained ministry after following due diligence
- To interview and recommend to the Bishop candidates who have finished theological training and seek for ordination
- To interview and recommend clergy to the Bishop for placement in the diocese
- To investigate and report to the Bishop any irregularities and acts of misdemeanour as may be observed in the life of Clergy and laity.
- To advise bishop on clergy transfers
- To recommend to the Standing Committee with regard to the formation of new parishes, amalgamation of parishes and modification of boundaries
- To review the terms and conditions of service of clergy
4. Board of Education
The Board of Education acts as the education management board advising the Synod on all matters education.
The duties of the Board of Education are;
- To advise on matters education
- To advise on the status of Anglican sponsored schools in the Diocese
- To enhance the teaching of pastoral program in schools
- To guide the spiritual lives of students and supervise the Christian Union Movement
5. Faculty Advisory Board
The Faculty Advisory Board ensures that all places of worship are built according to specification and on properties that are duly owned by the Diocese.
The duties of the Faculty Advisory Board are;
- To foresee that no building purported to be a place of worship is constructed or consecrated without prior written permission of the Diocesan Bishop
- To ensure that the property upon which the house of worship is to be constructed is transferred to the Diocese
- To ensure that no alteration or decoration shall be carried out on a consecrated building of worship without certificate of the faculty